18. Dezember 2024
Carbon Insetting: Driving innovation within HelloFresh’s supply chain

27. August 2024
“Meal kit brands should move away from discount marketing” - Insights from Patrick Stal, SVP Marketing

29. Juli 2024
Operating the largest refrigerated e-fleet in Europe

25. Juli 2024
Together for Carbon Labelling: HelloFresh’s Commitment to push for a unified Carbon Label
7. Juni 2024
Prepare for the Unexpected: HelloFresh’s Commitment to Food Safety

21. Mai 2024
“Enabling our ready-to-eat expansion will be the biggest focus for my team” - Insights from Jake Fear, VP Fulfillment Tech

20. März 2024
How HelloFresh Invests in decarbonizing its supply chain

18. Januar 2024
“We are taking our customers’ experience to a new level” - Insights from Val Liborski, HelloFresh CTO

10. Januar 2024
Introducing our Last Mile Solution for US Deliveries

14. Dezember 2023
Growth, Challenges, and Success: Insights from a COO

7. Dezember 2023
Representative survey reveals call for more plant-based options: This is how HelloFresh meets the growing demand
22. November 2023
Carbon Transparency: HelloFresh’s contribution towards a carbon label for food
2. November 2023
Wrapping up Global Diversity Awareness Month: Celebrating with HelloFresh's Employee Resource Groups

20. September 2023
How AI and Machine Learning are driving business at HelloFresh

8. September 2023
Expanding Ready-To-Eat to Europe: Factor Netherlands & Flanders

15. August 2023
HelloFresh Launches The Pets Table, A Premium Pet Food Brand in the US

7. August 2023
Turning Waste into Worth: How HelloFresh Works with Partners to Repurpose Food Waste

28. Juni 2023
Every second person throws away food once or twice a month: How innovative technologies can help to tackle this issue

14. Juni 2023
“Inclusivity is not a ‘nice to have’, it's a ‘must have’”: Insights from Jake Zukowski, VP of Global Research and Design

7. Juni 2023
Making sure the ‘Fresh’ is always in our name - Celebrating World Food Safety Day 2023

1. Juni 2023
How HelloFresh US ensures quality in our meal kits

14. März 2023
Non-Financial Report 2022: Responsible sourcing for a responsible product

14. März 2023
Non-financial report 2022: Our commitment to chicken welfare

14. März 2023
Non-financial report 2022: Improving and reducing our packaging

13. März 2023
HelloFresh commits to science-based emissions reduction targets

13. März 2023
Non-financial report 2022: How HelloFresh is combating unconscious bias

17. Januar 2023
“Fostering Data Maturity is a core driver to support a business at scale”

21. Dezember 2022
HelloFresh’s take on reducing food waste while helping others

15. Dezember 2022
“The climate label is the first step towards our goal to offer full menu transparency for our customers”

6. Dezember 2022
How HelloFresh tackles food insecurity through donation programs in the US

29. November 2022
Zusammenarbeit mitgestalten und Interessen vertreten – so stärkt HelloFresh seine Arbeitnehmer:innen

15. November 2022
The Data River – How Data Flows Through the HelloFresh Production Process

25. Oktober 2022
HelloFresh’s Women in Tech Scholarship supports women to step into tech from a non-tech educational background

19. Oktober 2022
Growing HelloFresh - Strategy, Expansion & New Product Development

19. September 2022
Investing in energy management for sustainability

6. September 2022
“We embrace change and always challenge the status quo”

31. August 2022
How HelloFresh US manages food safety in our e-commerce supply chain

23. August 2022
Welkom! HelloFresh launches Green Chef brand in the Netherlands

11. August 2022
Promoting and driving workforce DE&I at HelloFresh SE

30. Juni 2022
Implementing Diversity, Equity & Inclusion in a global company

7. Juni 2022
Scaling food safety best practices across HelloFresh

3. Juni 2022
Embracing diversity and inclusion at HelloFresh with FreshPride

27. April 2022
Why HelloFresh meal kits cause less carbon emissions

16. Dezember 2021
3 core values that made HelloFresh successful

14. Dezember 2021
HelloFresh presents: The Food Trends & Innovation Report

30. November 2021
GET Talks: Owning your Career in Times of Change

26. November 2021
10 Years HelloFresh: From Start-up to Scale-up

15. November 2021
HelloFresh moves into new headquarters “Fresh Campus” in Berlin

12. November 2021
Celebrating our Women in Technology graduates

11. November 2021
Happy Birthday HelloFresh - 10 years in numbers

20. Oktober 2021
Bei HelloFresh zählen deine Ideen - Leading HelloTech

18. Oktober 2021
HelloFresh celebrates World Food Day ‘21

1. Oktober 2021
Double victory for HelloFresh’s “Dynamic Packaging Configurator”

26. August 2021
What’s a food solutions group?

27. Juli 2021
“Leaning back is not an option” interview with a CMO

21. Juli 2021
HelloFresh solves the age-old question: “What’s for dinner tonight?”

29. Juni 2021
Championing Diversity, Equity & Inclusion at HelloFresh

25. Juni 2021
How tech and big data enable us to personalize the meal kit experience

11. Juni 2021
Lebensmittelsicherheit bei HelloFresh: Wir setzen neue Standards

2. Juni 2021
Energiemanagement bei HelloFresh – Going Green

14. Mai 2021
HelloFresh stops 37,5 million plastic bottles from entering the ocean

6. Mai 2021
HelloFresh führt Green Chef Marke in Großbritannien ein

5. Mai 2021
Eine neue Produktionsstätte für HelloFresh in Großbritannien

20. April 2021
Aktuelle Herausforderungen in der Verpackungsentwicklung

1. April 2021
Fünf Highlights aus unserem Kampf gegen Lebensmittelverschwendung in 2020

31. März 2021
Wir stellen vor: Unsere Komitees für Diversität und Inklusion

5. Februar 2021
Warum ist Verpackung notwendig?

1. Februar 2021
Innovationen im Kampf gegen Lebensmittelverschwendung: HelloFresh und Universität Wageningen testen Haltbarkeitsanzeige "Keep-it"

22. Januar 2021
5 Verpackungsinnovationen made by HelloFresh

11. Januar 2021
HelloFresh Packaging Labs: Was hinter unserer Verpackung steckt

23. Dezember 2020
HelloFreshs Stipendium für “Women in Tech”

16. Dezember 2020
Future Leaders Program: HelloFresh bildet seine nächste Generation von Führungskräften aus

15. Dezember 2020
„Nachhaltigkeit gehört bei allem, was wir tun, dazu – auch bei unseren Verpackungen."

26. Oktober 2020
HelloFresh erhält Auszeichnung für Nachhaltigkeitsbemühungen

21. Oktober 2020
5 Fakten über die HelloFresh Supply Chain

15. Oktober 2020
Kampf gegen Lebensmittelverschwendung: Wie HelloFresh zur Lösung eines globalen Problems beiträgt

6. Oktober 2020
Ein neuer Look für HelloFresh

28. September 2020
Happy Birthday HelloFresh Schweden – ein Jahr in Skandinavien

31. Juli 2020
Warum Kochboxen viel weniger Verpackung haben als angenommen
31. Juli 2020
Warum Kochboxen eine umweltfreundlichere Alternative sind, als der Einkauf im Supermarkt

18. Dezember 2024
Carbon Insetting: Driving innovation within HelloFresh’s supply chain
27. August 2024
“Meal kit brands should move away from discount marketing” - Insights from Patrick Stal, SVP Marketing
29. Juli 2024
Operating the largest refrigerated e-fleet in Europe
More than 90% of HelloFresh orders in the Benelux are delivered by electric vehicles
25. Juli 2024
Together for Carbon Labelling: HelloFresh’s Commitment to push for a unified Carbon Label
7. Juni 2024
Prepare for the Unexpected: HelloFresh’s Commitment to Food Safety
World Food Safety Day 2024
21. Mai 2024
“Enabling our ready-to-eat expansion will be the biggest focus for my team” - Insights from Jake Fear, VP Fulfillment Tech
20. März 2024
How HelloFresh Invests in decarbonizing its supply chain
Insights into HelloFresh's holistic approach to decrease its environmental footprint.
18. Januar 2024
“We are taking our customers’ experience to a new level” - Insights from Val Liborski, HelloFresh CTO
10. Januar 2024
Introducing our Last Mile Solution for US Deliveries
Operating our own fleet of nearly 500 vans allows HelloFresh to reduce transit times.
14. Dezember 2023
Growth, Challenges, and Success: Insights from a COO
In conversation with Virginia Strong, Chief Operating Officer at HelloFresh DACH
7. Dezember 2023
Representative survey reveals call for more plant-based options: This is how HelloFresh meets the growing demand
22. November 2023
Carbon Transparency: HelloFresh’s contribution towards a carbon label for food
2. November 2023
Wrapping up Global Diversity Awareness Month: Celebrating with HelloFresh's Employee Resource Groups
20. September 2023
How AI and Machine Learning are driving business at HelloFresh
Insights into HelloFresh's investment into AI/ML driven models
8. September 2023
Expanding Ready-To-Eat to Europe: Factor Netherlands & Flanders
Interview with Kaylyn Tolzmann, COO and Co-Managing Director for Factor Europe
15. August 2023
HelloFresh Launches The Pets Table, A Premium Pet Food Brand in the US
7. August 2023
Turning Waste into Worth: How HelloFresh Works with Partners to Repurpose Food Waste
HelloFresh is working with like-minded suppliers to transform leftovers from our operations into valuable resources
28. Juni 2023
Every second person throws away food once or twice a month: How innovative technologies can help to tackle this issue
HelloFresh joined forces with other organizations including Keep-It®, Zebra Technologies and Wageningen University & Research to advocate for more innovation in the food industry.
14. Juni 2023
“Inclusivity is not a ‘nice to have’, it's a ‘must have’”: Insights from Jake Zukowski, VP of Global Research and Design
Interview with Jake Zukowski, Vice President, Global UX Design and UX Research
7. Juni 2023
Making sure the ‘Fresh’ is always in our name - Celebrating World Food Safety Day 2023
Shining a spotlight on the efforts of our International Food Safety Team (FSQA) at HelloFresh and their achievements in the last twelve months.
1. Juni 2023
How HelloFresh US ensures quality in our meal kits
We work hard to ensure the best ingredients are delivered safely to our customers' doorsteps.
14. März 2023
Non-Financial Report 2022: Responsible sourcing for a responsible product
Food safety and quality as well as the origin and production conditions of our ingredients are extremely important for HelloFresh.
14. März 2023
Non-financial report 2022: Our commitment to chicken welfare
At HelloFresh, we strive to maintain high quality standards for the ingredients we source. This is particularly relevant for the animal welfare of our most common protein, chicken.
14. März 2023
Non-financial report 2022: Improving and reducing our packaging
HelloFresh avoids or reduces packaging and promotes recyclability and innovates wherever possible.
13. März 2023
HelloFresh commits to science-based emissions reduction targets
With the publication of our 2022 non-financial report HelloFresh announced its commitment to set near-term company-wide CO2e emission reductions targets in line with climate science with the Science Based Targets initiative.
13. März 2023
Non-financial report 2022: How HelloFresh is combating unconscious bias
In order to build a workplace that serves everyone, HelloFresh takes a number of actions to ensure we continuously put a focus on diversity and inclusion.
17. Januar 2023
“Fostering Data Maturity is a core driver to support a business at scale”
21. Dezember 2022
HelloFresh’s take on reducing food waste while helping others
15. Dezember 2022
“The climate label is the first step towards our goal to offer full menu transparency for our customers”
Interview with COO Upstream at HelloFresh International Tilman Eichstädt about how HelloFresh’s new climate label enables sustainable recipe choices
6. Dezember 2022
How HelloFresh tackles food insecurity through donation programs in the US
In conversation with Pooja Pelham, Social Impact Manager at HelloFresh US
29. November 2022
Zusammenarbeit mitgestalten und Interessen vertreten – so stärkt HelloFresh seine Arbeitnehmer:innen
Unsere DE&I-Ausschüsse, die Employee Resource Groups (ERGs), transparente Mitarbeitendenkommunikation und Feedback-Tools sind integrale Bestandteile unserer Teilhabekultur.
15. November 2022
The Data River – How Data Flows Through the HelloFresh Production Process
During the production of our meal kits data plays an important role in every stage of the process.
25. Oktober 2022
HelloFresh’s Women in Tech Scholarship supports women to step into tech from a non-tech educational background
After launching a successful first cohort last year, HelloFresh re-launched the Women in Tech program this year and doubled the number of participants.
19. Oktober 2022
Growing HelloFresh - Strategy, Expansion & New Product Development
The Strategic Product Development and Strategy & Expansion teams are crucial to ensuring HelloFresh performs across the three levers of the company's growth strategy.
19. September 2022
Investing in energy management for sustainability
HelloFresh has developed long-term strategies and targets to manage resource consumption within its facilities to mitigate the effects of climate change
6. September 2022
“We embrace change and always challenge the status quo”
In conversation with Dr. Nina Wagner, Vice President New Product Development, Strategy, and Expansion at HelloFresh
31. August 2022
How HelloFresh US manages food safety in our e-commerce supply chain
A comprehensive overview of how our supply chain works and how our FSQA team in the United States ensures food safety along the way
23. August 2022
Welkom! HelloFresh launches Green Chef brand in the Netherlands
HelloFresh is introducing its popular brand for health-conscious customers to the Netherlands
11. August 2022
Promoting and driving workforce DE&I at HelloFresh SE
HelloFresh encourages unique perspectives and empowers employees to bring their whole selves to work
30. Juni 2022
Implementing Diversity, Equity & Inclusion in a global company
In conversation with Gabriel Brigante, Manager Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
7. Juni 2022
Scaling food safety best practices across HelloFresh
HelloFresh celebrates World Food Safety Day and this year's theme “Safer food, better health”
3. Juni 2022
Embracing diversity and inclusion at HelloFresh with FreshPride
Conversation with Nicole Downing, FreshPride Berlin Committee Member
27. April 2022
Why HelloFresh meal kits cause less carbon emissions
Life Cycle Assessment and Sustainability Report 2021 published
16. Dezember 2021
3 core values that made HelloFresh successful
The HelloFresh DNA is a collection of values and goals that we as a company and all of our employees follow.
14. Dezember 2021
HelloFresh presents: The Food Trends & Innovation Report
HelloFresh surveyed 11,500 adults across 16 countries about their past, current and future cooking and eating habits.
30. November 2021
GET Talks: Owning your Career in Times of Change
Senior women leaders talk about how to own your career in times of change.
26. November 2021
10 Years HelloFresh: From Start-up to Scale-up
Reflecting on our mission and on our journey of shaping and growing the meal kit industry.
15. November 2021
HelloFresh moves into new headquarters “Fresh Campus” in Berlin
Brand new building will accomodate employee growth
12. November 2021
Celebrating our Women in Technology graduates
HelloFresh welcomes graduates as permanent employees after finishing scholarship
11. November 2021
Happy Birthday HelloFresh - 10 years in numbers
HelloFresh Group follows an ambitious growth strategy
20. Oktober 2021
Bei HelloFresh zählen deine Ideen - Leading HelloTech
Interview mit Annie Meininghaus, Vice President of Product
18. Oktober 2021
HelloFresh celebrates World Food Day ‘21
WorldFoodDay is about more than just calories and nutrition. It’s about honesty, it’s about ending hunger and it’s about identity.
1. Oktober 2021
Double victory for HelloFresh’s “Dynamic Packaging Configurator”
26. August 2021
What’s a food solutions group?
27. Juli 2021
“Leaning back is not an option” interview with a CMO
In conversation with Lydi Siebers, Chief Marketing Officer, HelloFresh Benelux
21. Juli 2021
HelloFresh solves the age-old question: “What’s for dinner tonight?”
HelloFresh is a business which enables the greatest possible convenience for our customers.
29. Juni 2021
Championing Diversity, Equity & Inclusion at HelloFresh
In conversation with Kasia Feng, Director, Diversity Equity & Inclusion, HelloFresh US
25. Juni 2021
How tech and big data enable us to personalize the meal kit experience
A guest article by our CEO Dominik Richter
11. Juni 2021
Lebensmittelsicherheit bei HelloFresh: Wir setzen neue Standards
Die Versorgung unserer Kund:innen mit hochwertigen Lebensmitteln hat für uns höchste Priorität.
2. Juni 2021
Energiemanagement bei HelloFresh – Going Green
HelloFresh strebt einen nachhaltigeren Energieverbrauch an
14. Mai 2021
HelloFresh stops 37,5 million plastic bottles from entering the ocean
Gemeinsam mit Plastic Bank haben wir drei Sammelzentren für Kunststoff in Indonesien eingerichtet.
6. Mai 2021
HelloFresh führt Green Chef Marke in Großbritannien ein
Green Chef bietet eine Vielzahl von Rezepten für verschiedene Lebensstile und Ernährungsgewohnheiten an.
5. Mai 2021
Eine neue Produktionsstätte für HelloFresh in Großbritannien
Der "Beehive" ist HelloFresh drittgrößte Produktionsstätte in Europa.
20. April 2021
Aktuelle Herausforderungen in der Verpackungsentwicklung
Im Gespräch mit Thomas Regenhardt, Head of Packaging bei HelloFresh
1. April 2021
Fünf Highlights aus unserem Kampf gegen Lebensmittelverschwendung in 2020
Insights aus dem Nachhaltigkeitsbericht 2020
31. März 2021
Wir stellen vor: Unsere Komitees für Diversität und Inklusion
Wir wollen Vielfalt und Inklusion auf allen Ebenen des Unternehmens fördern und verankern
5. Februar 2021
Warum ist Verpackung notwendig?
Manche Verpackungen sind schlichtweg zwingend notwendig. Sie gewährleisten den Transportschutz, Hygiene und Frischhaltung und verhindern dadurch Lebensmittelverschwendung.
1. Februar 2021
Innovationen im Kampf gegen Lebensmittelverschwendung: HelloFresh und Universität Wageningen testen Haltbarkeitsanzeige "Keep-it"
22. Januar 2021
5 Verpackungsinnovationen made by HelloFresh
HelloFresh arbeitet an innovativen Lösungen, durch die wir Verpackungen reduzieren oder für das Recycling optimieren können.
11. Januar 2021
HelloFresh Packaging Labs: Was hinter unserer Verpackung steckt
Die Packaging Labs von HelloFresh: Ein Ort für Innovation, Wissensaustausch und Qualitätskontrollen.
23. Dezember 2020
HelloFreshs Stipendium für “Women in Tech”
16. Dezember 2020
Future Leaders Program: HelloFresh bildet seine nächste Generation von Führungskräften aus
Talentförderung spielt bei HelloFresh eine zentrale Rolle.
15. Dezember 2020
„Nachhaltigkeit gehört bei allem, was wir tun, dazu – auch bei unseren Verpackungen."
Im Gespräch mit Thomas Regenhardt, Head of Packaging bei HelloFresh
26. Oktober 2020
HelloFresh erhält Auszeichnung für Nachhaltigkeitsbemühungen
HelloFresh belegte mit dem Gesamtkonzept zur Optimierung von Verpackungslösungen und zur Reduzierung von Lebensmittelabfällen den zweiten Platz.
21. Oktober 2020
5 Fakten über die HelloFresh Supply Chain
So macht HelloFresh die Lebensmittelindustrie nachhaltiger.
15. Oktober 2020
Kampf gegen Lebensmittelverschwendung: Wie HelloFresh zur Lösung eines globalen Problems beiträgt
Einer HelloFresh-Mahlzeit erzeugt 21 % weniger Lebensmittelabfälle als eine Mahlzeit mit Zutaten aus dem Supermarkt.
6. Oktober 2020
Ein neuer Look für HelloFresh
Um zu zeigen, wer wir heute sind, haben wir unsere Marke mit einem neuen Look aufgefrischt.
28. September 2020
Happy Birthday HelloFresh Schweden – ein Jahr in Skandinavien
HelloFresh hat vor kurzem das erste Geschäftsjahr in Schweden erfolgreich abgeschlossen.
31. Juli 2020
Warum Kochboxen viel weniger Verpackung haben als angenommen
Der Versand von Lebensmitteln ist sehr komplex und erfordert in jedem Schritt der Wertschöpfungskette eine angemessene und konforme Verpackung.
31. Juli 2020
Warum Kochboxen eine umweltfreundlichere Alternative sind, als der Einkauf im Supermarkt
Im Jahr 2019 haben unsere Kunden mehr als 281 Millionen HelloFresh-Mahlzeiten gekocht. Dies gab uns 281 Millionen Möglichkeiten, die Umwelt positiv zu beeinflussen - und damit auch im Wesentlichen das Leben unserer Kunden.