Jun 2
Energy Management at HelloFresh - Going Green
Sustainability is a core element of our business model. This includes our recently announced goal to reduce carbon emissions: We aim to reduce our production facility emissions per euro revenue by 60 % from 2019 to 2022. By continuously tracking and measuring the emissions across our value chain, we aim to identify the potential for savings in energy-relevant processes and to systematically reduce our energy consumption and the associated environmental pollution. That being said, our emissions have been verified and validated by TÜV Rheinland to ensure that we are measuring and tracking to the highest standards.
As a next step in pursuing our sustainability agenda, we recently launched...
The HelloFresh energy policy
To ensure that we are able to reach our ambitious targets, we introduced an energy policy, which covers HelloFresh's German, Dutch and UK operations and are exploring options to roll it out to other markets. The policy defines our energy-related guidelines and principles, as well as the long-term goals on how we can make our energy consumption more sustainable. This includes avoiding the production of carbon emissions where possible (e.g. by reducing our energy consumption) and increasing our energy efficiency in the long term.
We do this by:
Linking our energy policy with our indirect procurement policy. That way energy is a criteria when we select new equipment or energy suppliers.
Defining sustainable guidelines for the design of new production sites.
Offering comprehensive energy training to staff who have an impact on our energy use as well as delivering an energy awareness campaign to all of our employees.
Promoting sharing of best practices across all of our markets and production sites.
Our holistic approach ensures that we pay attention to energy efficiency, not only in our production, but also in the design and procurement of systems, components and services.
Receiving the ISO 50001 energy management system standard
In order to double down on our energy management efforts, we additionally implemented a comprehensive energy management system, which describes concrete processes to reach the goals within our energy policy. In April 2021 HelloFresh was recognized for our energy efficiency successes, by receiving the ISO 50001 energy management system certification by TÜV Rheinland. The ISO 50001 is a global standard that outlines practical ways to improve energy use in a holistic way, with an energy management system. The certification covers our global HQ in Berlin as well as our distribution centers in Verden (in Germany), Bleiswijk (for the BeNeLux region) and Banbury and Nuneaton (in the UK).
Reducing emissions by switching to green energy
Another measure we are taking to reduce our carbon emissions is switching to green energy. Where possible, we install solar photovoltaic panels at our distribution centers and use our own generated electricity. At the same time, we source renewable electricity, such as hydropower and wind energy.
In 2019 and 2020, HelloFresh invested in the installation of solar photovoltaic systems on the roofs of our production facilities in Australia and the Netherlands. This accounted for the production and internal use of 456MWh in 2020. There are also several other projects in the pipeline.
In addition to installing photovoltaic arrays, HelloFresh has also developed and implemented a Green Energy Procurement Strategy in our International Segment. We’ve done this by signing new renewable energy contracts in Germany, the Netherlands, UK and New Zealand. Starting from no green energy purchased in 2019, HelloFresh bought and utilised 3.1 GWh of green energy (mostly wind and hydro) in 2020. For 2021 and beyond, we’re estimating that our share of these resources will significantly increase.